Hard Surface Spray & Wipe/Light Cleaning
Dilute at 2% solution (1:48, 20ml or 4tsp per litre) with warm or cold fresh tap water.
Spray and leave on stained area.
Thoroughly rinse all food contact areas before use.
Hard Surface/Medium Soiling
Dilute at 5% solution (1:19, 50ml or 1/5 cup per 1 litre) with warm or cold fresh tap water.
Mop over surfaces.
Squeegee off, leaving a fine layer of product to allow enzymes to continue working.
Heavy Duty Soiling
Dilute at a 10% solution (1:9, 100ml or 2/5 cup per 1 litre) with cold or warm fresh tap water.
Apply with a foam-spray head or mop onto floors and surfaces.
Agitate with a stiff clean brush and allow product to sit for an extended period of 10-30 minutes before additional agitation.
Rinse or squeegee off.
Repeat use of this product will continue to lift ingrained soiling and oils.
Toilet Cleaning
Dose 50ml (undiluted) directly to toilet bowl and flush daily to also assist maintain healthy septic systems.
Shock Dose:
Use 500ml (1/2 litre, 2 cups) for odorous or blocked septic systems.
Repeat for 4 days and then apply 50ml (1/5 cup) daily maintenance dose.
Food Plants: Bio-Fresh products are designed to rid areas of typical plate count problems; floor and other wider environmental areas are not likely to have swabs/plate count results compromised. All MPI facility-based operators should rinse prior to swabbing.
Before use, all edible product and packaging material must be removed from the room. After using this compound, food surfaces must be thoroughly rinsed with potable water before production starts..
Caustic Free
Neutralizes Odours
Environmentally Safe
No Combustible Materials
Bio-Fresh Enzymatic Cleaners
Natural, safe and environmentally responsible cleaning solution.
Bio-Fresh products are bio-enzymatic cleaners that contain non-pathogenic microbes. These good microbes produce enzymes that break down soiling, so it can be consumed by the microbes or washed away. While conditions are wet and there is soiling present, the microbes continue to multiply and produce enzymes.
The microbes grow rapidly, doubling their numbers every 30 minutes, and produce the right enzymes throughout their life of about 80 hours.
Once the soiling has been consumed, the microbes naturally die off and are flushed through the plumbing system.
Six Advantages of Using Bio-Fresh Enzymatic Cleaners
1. Compared to other chemical cleaning products, bio-enzymatic cleaners are safer for users and for the environment.
2. Bio-enzymatic cleaners continue to do their job long after being applied to the surface. The microbes and enzymes keep on working until all soiling and malodours are fully removed, improving productivity, saving time and labour cost.
3. The microbes in bio-enzymatic cleaners are able reach very small cracks and crevices on surfaces, which means they can eliminate soiling and malodours that traditional chemicals often cannot.
4. Availability of bio-enzymatic cleaners means there is no need to use harsh cleaning chemicals anymore.
5. Enzyme-producing microbes consume soiling and convert it into low and harmless levels of carbon dioxide and water.
6. The good, non-pathogenic microbes help to eliminate the bad, pathogenic, disease causing microbes that are harmful to humans.
Down the Drain
One of the major benefits of bio-enzymatic cleaners is that they continue to work throughout the plumbing system. Once a surface is cleaned, the microbes and enzymes are rinsed to the drainage system and keep the plumbing free flowing by consuming fats and soiling that form drains and plumbing pipework
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